By Tiff of HERZEN Lifestyle Team
Genre - Electro, Breaks, Hip Hop
Birthday - 08.10.1976
Hometown - Stuttgart(Germany)
1. How long have you been a DJ already?
Top Solo - Since 2005
2. What’s the best thing about being a DJ?
Top Solo - If the people are screaming and put their hands in the air to my music that's a awesome feeling.
-this is why we love DJs.
3. What influenced your music and style?
Top Solo - Influenced by whatever rocks
4. If given a chance, to whom would you like to have a collaboration with?
Top Solo - Helge Schneider
5. What equipment do you use?
Top Solo - I play with TraktorScratch
6. What countries have you been to?(for work)
Top Solo - I play only in Germany till yet
7. What was the best event you've been to?
Top Solo - It's hard to say there were a couple off fat gigs
8. Who’s your favourite DJ?
Top Solo - DJ Shadow
9. What’s your message to all those who aspire to be a DJ?
Top Solo - Create your own style and play as much as you can
-We always appreciate an artist's unique work! way to go!
Norman aka DJ Top Solo is such a cool dude. We love how easy going he was about the interview and we just adore his attitude. DJ Top Solo, keep it up! we'll always support you!
check him out @
[Photos from his account]
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