By Tiff Tamayo of Herzen Lifestyle Team
HEIGHT - 174
HOMETOWN - Seattle Washington
DOB - February 24th 1989
1. When did you start modeling?
Kristen - I've been modeling since I was about 17 but only the past year I've been modeling full time.
2. How did you start modeling?
Kristen - I was scouted by my manager when I was 14, but I wasn't tall enough to model then. I remember she brought me to the Ford super model of the world contest at my local mall. I ended up being chosen as a finalist locally and standing next to everyone else I was at least 3-4 inches shorter (but probably also 3-4 years younger)! She kept in contact with me and when I was 17 I was also signed by a local agency in Seattle.
3. What countries have you been to?(for work)
Kristen - Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Thailand and Greece. (Of course also in the US, I've modeled in Seattle and Los Angeles)
I have my sights set on Australia and Singapore for my next travels! :) - (we wish you the best!)
4. What do you love about modeling?
Kristen - I love traveling, meeting new people and getting to see new countries. :) I also think that modeling is a lot harder on a person than many people think. It's not easy, being in different countries alone, not speaking the language and being away from everyone you know. It's hard sometimes and makes you learn a lot about your self. I've learned so much while traveling and that's another huge reason why I love it.
5. What's the most interesting job you've done so far?
Kristen - Hmm...that's kind of a hard question. I would probably say it would be a recent job that I did here in Thailand (where I am currenty) for a swim wear calendar. There was tons of press following us around and video taping everything. I think they even put it on chanel V and fashion tv. There were a lot of things about the job that I didn't really like, but I think that might add to the fact of it being an interesting job!
6. Who's your favorite model or the model you look up to?
Kristen - Strangely, I don't really have a favorite model. A lot of people say I look similar to Lily Cole and I like the fact that she has made it really big while having such a unique look (the round face, red hair and freckles).
7. What do you think is your best asset?
Kristen - I would say my hair.I say my hair though because I think having short hair kind of sets me apart from every other model. I feel like every model has long hair and girls are afraid they won't be feminine with out it. I still feel sexy and girly with short hair and I like the fact that it makes me stand out from the croud. - (and we will always love you rockin' that hair!)
8. What's your message for those aspiring models?
Kristen - Find a great manager. One that really knows the business and believes in you. Even if things don't go great at first, keep going and trying. I think this business is all about luck and timing. If now isn't the right time, tomorrow might be! But I also think having a back up plan in case modeling doesn't work out is very important. - (we firmly agree!)
Indeed Kirsten's one of the sweetest!With that look plus the good attitude you have, we know you'll be on top. We wish you the best in your career!
visit her blog! @ http://www.pathofapisces.blogspot.com
[Photos from her account]_
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