By Tiff Tamayo of Herzen Lifestyle Team
Height - 186 cm
Nationality - Italian
Hometown - east coast of Italy,Montegranaro(AP)
Birthday - 07/03/1977
1. How did you start modeling?
Michele - I did start modeling because 7 year ago I won Elite model look in Milan ... -(cool!)
2. When did you start modeling?
Michele - I did start 7 years ago for join .
3. What's the best project you've done so far?
Michele - I did some project like make famous show or campain around the world and became famous.
4. What's the most challenging job you've ever done?
Michele - I did professional ciclist and runned for 20 years before.
5. What countries have you been to?(for work)?
Michele - For modeling I been only in Milan and Seoul(korea) 2 time.
6. Who's your favorite model or the model you look up to?
Michele - My favourite topmodel men is 'Giabiconi.' and girl 'Adriana Lima and Anna B.barros. - (such sexy models!)
7. Did modeling change your life?how?
Michele - Still not changed my life modeling... just to known new people and to learn englisc!
8. What's your message for those aspiring models?
Michele - You try modeling you can travel and join yourself around the world...
Michele is a gentleman throughout, we know that this is one of the things that brought you success. Elite Milan did a great job in choosing you, we wish you the best!
[Photos from his account]_
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